The SpiPgm37.zip file contains the main program and the io port driver. Place all files in the same folder.
The main view of the program is shown in figure 3.
Also make sure do not program the RSTDISBL fuse in the AVR series devices, unless it is necessary otherwise further serial programming is disable, to restore the serial programming a high voltage parallel programmer is required.
For the fuses setting consult the datasheet of the respective u-controller.
Following are the main features of this software,
Read and write the BIN, HEX and ROM file formats Read Signature, Fuse and Lock bits Edit, Clear and Fill the Flash & Eeprom memory buffer Verify with memory buffer Auto save the OSCCAL data to Flash & Eeprom Display buffer checksum Program selected Fuse & Lock bits Auto save the fuses settings for the open program file Parallel port pins are freely selectable EEPROM file open and save commands
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Figure 3: Main view of the program SPI-Pgm Ver 3.7