标题: u2pa,牛人为top2005+写的上位机,源代码来着 [打印本页] 作者: liyf 时间: 2015-4-20 19:17 标题: u2pa,牛人为top2005+写的上位机,源代码来着 牛人为top2005+写的上位机,源代码来着,参考是不错的
20120526 Version 0.1:
20120530 Correction a: Added support for 274096 as it was desribed in the release notes.
20120602 Correction b: Fixed a bug regarding the GND-pins.
This is the first release of U2Pa, a command line interface for
Top Universal Programmers.
- Simple reading of some EPROMs
- Simple (Classic Algorithm) programming of some EPROMs
- Simple test of some SRAMs
- Support for other EPROMs and SRAMs are fairly easy implemented (through XML)
- Coded in C#
- Uses the GPL library LibUsbDotNet (that in turn uses the GPL library
- The source code is well documented and should by fairly easy to understand
- Runs on both native .NET (tested on Windows7) and Mono (tested on Ubuntu)
Suported and tested programmers:
- Top2005+ Universal Programmer
Supported devices:
- EPROMs: 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128, 27256, 27512 (out of the box)
- EPROMs: 271024, 272048, 274096 (by the use an easy-to-build-adaptor)
- SRAMs: 6116, 6264 (out of the box)
- SRAMs: 6148 (by using 1 wire) u2pa V0.1b.zip(210.21 KB, 下载次数: 40)